Premium takes you to the next level🚀

Exolyt Premium is the most powerful TikTok Analytics Tool. We created it for the TikTok influencers, marketers and TikTok agencies.

Track your growth

See how your audience grows and how your videos get more likes and views over the time!

Up-to-date data

Premium subscribers can enjoy up-to-date data on their favourite profiles. No more outdated statistics.

Made for professionals

Exolyt Premium is made for all TikTok professionals: influencers, marketers and agencies. We work closely with our Premium users to create features that they request.

Video view and like history

View view and like history from all TikTok videos. Use this information to see when the videos started to get likes first time and has there been traction later on. *

TikTok profile comparison

View two TikTok profiles side-by-side to find out which is bigger and more engaging influencer. Comparison includes basic details such as total followers and total views, but also analysis like average engagement.

Find out what videos work best for you

You can view how any of your videos performs against your profile average engagement. Maybe some videos are shared more than your average, but perform low on comment amount?

You can scroll the content horizontally⬅️ 👆 ➡️
* Please note that we provide historical data only from the moment that the profile was added to Exolyt.