
TikTok Money Calculator

Published12 Apr 2020
Written byJosh
Find out earnings of TikTok Influencers
Exolyt's TikTok Money Calculator helps you to calculate an estimation of earnings on any public TikTok account.

Find out your TikTok earnings!

How you can make money on TikTok?
There are mainly two different ways for anyone to earn money on TikTok.
The most common way is called influencer marketing. Influencer Marketing means that you promote different brands or products on your videos. This means basically having sponsored advertisement videos that would generate more sales for the brand or the product.
The second way to earn money on TikTok is to advertise or sell your own products or services in your videos. You could for example advertise your make up business or online courses.
Whether you are doing influencer marketing or promoting your own services, you will definitely need solid traction on your videos. This means that you will need many followers, comments, likes and views before your profile attracts enough engagement for the advertisements to be worth the effort for the brand. Usually you will need more than 100 000 followers and hundreds of comments per each video.
How much money you can make on TikTok?
Amount of money differs very much for each profile and industry. You can generate anywhere from 50 000 USD to 150 000 USD per one brand partnership if you have super good profile. This of course depends very much from your profile niche, location, brand's target audience, your profile engagement, and so on.
How I can become TikTok Influencer and earn money?
Becoming a TikTok Influencer usually does not happen over night, so you will need constant work towards this goal and good tools to track your progress.
Our best suggestion is to use analytics tools like Exolyt to track your progress and to see what content works best on your TikTok Profile. This way you will optimize your efforts, and becoming TikTok Influencer is much faster and easier.
You can start using Exolyt TikTok Analytics for free! Check out your TikTok profile on Exolyt by typing it on the search field below!
Josh from Exolyt
Josh from Exolyt
This article is written by Josh, who works at Exolyt as a Senior Social Media Consultant. Josh helps influencers, marketers and TikTok content creators to improve their engagement and take the most out of their TikTok accounts.

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